2009 Dollar Bin Awards

Thank you for joining us for this years Dollar Bin Awards.  With us presenting this evening we have Tee (tee_minus), Brandon (Big Dog), Ted (Rick), Devin (D-nice), Brian (eison), Shawn (The Lovely Shawn Reynolds), and Adam (Grand Poobah Emeritus Laureate of Podcast Editing, Esquire).  Also, dropping in are a few special guests including Chrissie Zullo.  Listen as the Dollar Bin talks about the winners and why you are all wrong.

Runtime: 1 hour 35 minutes 58 seconds

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Writer: Mark Waid

Artist: John Cassaday

Colorist: Laura Martin

Creative Team: Geoff Johns/Ivan Reis

Issue: Green Lantern #43

Series: Invincible

Graphic Novel: Surrogates: Flesh and Bone

Cover: Planetary #27

Publisher: Boom! Studios

Comic Book Media: Batman: Arkham Asylum

Best Moment: Invincible Iron Man #19: Tony Stark evading Norman Osborn

Worst Moment: Deadpool’s over-exposure

Most Underrated: The Brave and the Bold

Most Confusing: Captain America: Reborn

Monthly Downer: Walking Dead

Most Wanted to Burn: Captain America Reborn

Most Surprisingly Didn’t Want to Burn: (Tie) Batgirl/Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers #1

Dollar Bin Guest: Richard Morgan

Dollar Bin Interview: Mark Waid

Dollar Bin Video: Chrissie Zullo

Random Participant Winners

Bradd Parton, DeeSnider, Black Glove, J Chris Campbell, Tim Vaughan, Brian Weisner, Joseph Hoffmeyer


2009 Dollar Bin Awards